SMU’s central utility plant required significant upgrades to keep up with growing demands. Siemens hired Brandt to perform an extensive MEP renovation on SMU’s Patterson Hall.

In 2000, our team performed the SMU central plant redevelopment. This unique experience and knowledge of the facility aided in the success of this project.

Patterson Hall Renovation
Brandt demolished and rebuilt the 12,000-ton central utility plant in eight months.
• More than 500,000 lbs. of old equipment removed from the facility
• 370,000 lbs. of chillers removed
• 32,000 lbs. of Primary Chilled Water Pumps
• 30,000 lbs. of Condenser Water Pumps
• 1 6-Cell Concrete Cooling Tower
• 1 Boiler

In order to mitigate campus disruptions, Brandt built a temporary chiller yard. 13 temporary chillers successfully sustained the 6,000 ton campus cooling load and maintained a 40 degree leaving water temperature throughout construction and during the hot summer months.

Brandt installed:
• 3 Water Cooled Chillers. Totaling 10,050 tons
• 3 Two-Cell Cooling Towers. Totaling 39,100 gallons per minute of condenser water flow.
• 5 4500-Gallons Per Minute Condenser Water Pumps
• 4 125-HP Primary Chilled Water Pumps
• 1 950 Horse Power High-Pressure Steam Boiler
• 37 Miles of Wire
• 8.5 Miles of Conduit
• 3,389 Feet of Pipe

This renovation aided in plant optimization and energy efficiency. Our team addressed major foundation modifications and renovated aging pipe and support systems. Throughout construction, Brandt sustained normal campus operating conditions . Additionally, we minimized disruption to facilities and members of the academic community.

Safety is at the forefront of every Brandt project, and our team worked more than 42,788 hours safely.

Cooling Tower Installation

During Spring Break, Brandt installed the steel frame and lifted the six-cell cooling tower into place. The cooling tower was designed to meet the customer’s height and aesthetic requirements. Brandt mitigated traffic disruptions by opening and maintaining a temporary road. The entire installation took only 10 days.

This project required a true teamwork approach: Brandt, Siemens, and SMU worked closely together to complete this project meeting the critical path challenges head-on. The dedication to multiple facets of project management and stringent observation of completion timelines. In such a setting, it was crucial to ensure minimal disruption to the facilities and grounds that the members of the academic community rely on to produce education. Brandt understood these unique needs and, as demonstrated by their record of excellence with many institutions, was able to provide salient solutions.


Owner: Southern Methodist University
Contractor: Siemens Industry, Inc.


Start/Completion Dates: 12/2017 – 08/2018
Brandt Role: MEP Services